Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 53 - Thursday 22 January 2009

Last night was the first night I felt I had trouble staying raw. While preparing lunch for hubby, I literally craved the bbq chicken that I was putting on his sandwiches and could taste it in my mouth, without even taking a mouthful. This has happened before while I have been raw, but last night for some reason, the thought just would not escape me. I did get through it though without having a taste, but it was a little more difficult this time than previously. I just kept telling myself that I was doing this for a reason and to 'be raw' meant to 'stay raw'. For me there is no in between. Do it right the first time or don't do it at all is my motto, which some would say is being a little hard on myself, but for me to stay on the straight and narrow I need to be focused. I know myself too well and one little taste of this or that would eventually lead to me falling off the wagon and reverting to my old eating habits.
It is important for me to succeed in this 'new way of life' I have chosen, if ever there is a chance of healing myself, being slim & healthy and maintaining that lifestyle.

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