Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 54 - Friday 23rd January 2009

After using the organic beauty products I purchased the other day, I'm a little dissappointed in myself for not checking it out further. After yesterday, suffering from a really bad reaction to the deodarent (very sore red lumps under the armpit), I've read the ingredients on each of the products and discovered that they all have aloe vera in them. Last time I used a product with Aloe Vera in it, I broke out severely. Will perservere with everything else for the moment, as there is so side effects from the shampoo & conditioner, body wash or moisturiser, but I'm afraid I'll have to give the deodarent a miss. Still quite sore today, ansd had to use normal deodarent this morning. Maybe I'll give the apple cidar vinegar a go to see how that works as I don't really want to go back to normal deodarent if I don't have to.

Received some organic soap today in the mail, that I ordered earlier in the week. Will put this in the cupboard to replace the previously used soap and see if I get any comments from the rest of the family. If I can start to change little things like this that don't really affect their lives, they will probably accept the change more than if I was to ask them outright to try something.

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