I start off today by saying that I am now officially 80 10 10rv (3 days now) and have also read Dr Graham's book 'The 80 10 10 Diet'.
I was lucky enough to have the book on loan from a lovely lady on one of the Raw Food forums I frequent and have thoroughly enjoyed the read.
Not only was the book an eye opener in many areas, but it also taught me a lot about nature and the human body. I believe now after reading it that I understand the body more and how it works.
I don't believe that 80 10 10 is the type of book that you read and then forget about it, quite the contrary actually. I feel that if you change your diet to raw in particular 80 10 10rv (raw vegan) you are more likely to care about your body and what you put into it. I want to be in touch with my body more and want to give it the best chance at increased health & wellbeing.
Since discovering raw, particularly low fat raw, I feel that an awful lot of the raw communtity are still harming their bodies by continuing to eat high fat/gourmet raw. I mean don't get me wrong, this is how I started out; raw breads, biscuits, chips & snacks and it helped tremendously with the transition from SAD to raw. I pretty quickly though became aware of what my body wanted and what tasted better and it wasn't long before I stopped eating those foods.
Gourmet raw I found was very rich, filling, heavy in the stomach and didn't digest well. It was not a hard decision to make to stop consuming these foods, even when I did, I still left myself open to go back that way if I wanted, but to date I haven't and don't want to.
I enjoy eating fresh fruit & vegetables more than I ever thought I would. I mean I always liked fruit, but generally only as a snack and certainly not as a meal. If I had a sweet craving, like anyone following SAD, it would be a chocolate or a piece of cake that I would grab to satisfy those cravings. Now, except perhaps for one particular time of the month, (when I will have a few dates to satisfy that craving) I do not suffer them. Cravings are now pretty much non-existant.
I know since becoming raw, more so now in the last month, I have changed as a person, though, in a good way. I have become more in tune with me, don't seem to stress as much, am in control more of my life. I care more about what I put into my mouth and use on my body. I have changed my soap, shampoo/conditioner, facial products & toothpaste to 100% organic and am now slowly working on replacing the other chemical laden products that are used daily, in the household.
If we want to live life to the fullest, we need to do something to make the changes necessary to live a happy, healthy and fruitful life.
If I can make a difference within this little space of the world I occupy, then I can feel proud I've done my bit. Life is far too short to sit back and watch, hoping someone else will fix things or that things will get better. I did this for far too long and accomplished nothing.
It may have taken me my entire life to work it out, but now that I have, I can do something to make the necessary changes to live the rest of my life healthy in the best possible way.
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