Custard Apples are in season at the moment, so I'm really enjoying the abundance of this super sweet fruit. Thought for sure that they would be high in calories, considering the quantity of sugar they have in them, however I was very surprised to find that they are only around 100 calories for a whole fruit. They are so delicious and I really love this time of year, particulary too at the moment, as they are so cheap. I got them at the markets last weekend and they only cost me eighty cents each. It's just a pity that I ate the last one about 1/2 an hour ago and now will have to wait until I can get more.
Oh well, I guess you can't have what you've already eaten.
Discovered something quite, well I really don't know how to explain it actually, but it's sort of exciting I think. On Sunday when I went to shave my legs (my weekly ritual) I discovered that the hair was only half the length it usually is after a week and in actual fact I didn't really need to shave (although I did anyway). I can only put this down to the raw diet as this has never happened to me before and only seems to have happened in the last week, although I can't say I actually took much notice the week prior. If this is actually the case, it has to be a huge bonus, after all what woman likes to shave her legs? We all, I'm sure, find it a task that just has to be done, if we don't want to look like something that's just come out of the pre-historic days that is.
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