I have the wrist brace back on. That didn't last long.
The pain is quite bad today, very sharp, piercing pains. Don't really know whether it is tomatoes/capsicum that is causing it. I think I may be more inclined to think it is something like pineapple, as I have been eating a lot of that also over the last couple of weeks, but then a gain, I don't really know, I'm guessing as usual.
The last few days have been a little tougher than usual. I'm having really bad cravings for cooked food all of a sudden. I don't know why, but whenever I smell food cooking, I imagine myself eating it and can taste it and it tastes great. I no sooner think this when the raw side of me kicks in and feels the digestion problems, the stomach ache, the sick feeling, the disgust in myself for giving in. It's this raw side of me that has prevented me from succumbing, so far. This is the good side of me. The side that I want to stick around. This is the side that keeps me honest. The side I have become and want to stay. This journey I am on is all about successful healing, health, fitness, wellbeing and feeling good about myself. Nothing can stand in the way of my progress, I will not let it (she says, as the smell of barbequed chicken waifs in from the shop next door).
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