Have had someone recommend a website to me that explained the benefits of Apple Cidar Vinegar in your diet. Have read a lot of wonderful testimonials about how ACV has cured a number of different ailments & health problems, in particular fibroids.
I recall when I was in my twenties, being diagnosed with a fibroid, which is usually a non-cancerous growth, like a cyst, that grows in the uterous. I have had no problems with it until last year when I suffered very bad bleeding, stomach cramps and bloating. After an ultrasound it was discovered that the fibroid that was very small all those years ago, is now 8.5cm in size and resting on my bladder.
The medical option - a hysterectomy - which I was prepared to have, until being directed to this website on ACV, that spoke about others fibroids that had shrunk/dissolved completely.
As of Wednesday, I started taking ACV, a dessertspoon, twice a day and washing it down with water. I will continue to take it daily to see if I notice any changes and will report it here.
I thought perhaps this would also be a good time to keep a record of all my ailments before starting raw, to see if the raw diet has any affect on these. Below is a list of these.
I recall when I was in my twenties, being diagnosed with a fibroid, which is usually a non-cancerous growth, like a cyst, that grows in the uterous. I have had no problems with it until last year when I suffered very bad bleeding, stomach cramps and bloating. After an ultrasound it was discovered that the fibroid that was very small all those years ago, is now 8.5cm in size and resting on my bladder.
The medical option - a hysterectomy - which I was prepared to have, until being directed to this website on ACV, that spoke about others fibroids that had shrunk/dissolved completely.
As of Wednesday, I started taking ACV, a dessertspoon, twice a day and washing it down with water. I will continue to take it daily to see if I notice any changes and will report it here.
I thought perhaps this would also be a good time to keep a record of all my ailments before starting raw, to see if the raw diet has any affect on these. Below is a list of these.
* Heavy Menstruation
*Rotting Teeth
* Warts
(On right foot, toes & heel)
* Back Pain
(Re-occurring Pinched Nerve)
* Sinus
(Running nose)
*Bloating Stomach
* Hair Loss
* Arthritis
(Stiff, Sore & Swollen Joints in feet, ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands & fingers)
*Varicose & Spider Veins
* Lethargy
Of the above, I have so far noticed the following which have seemed to improved:
(Have ceased taking drugs & swelling in my knees has reduced)
(Previously I would be constantly blowing my nose during the day and now I only seem to be doing it a few times a day.
Hair Loss
(After doing my hair in the morning, I would usually have numerous hairs on my clothes.
Now there only seems to be a couple).
Keeping a regular check and recording it here, will give me an indication of what is happening with my body.
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