Well I'm pleased to say that on Sunday for the first time in a very long time I was able to fit into a Size 8 dress. Wow!!! It feels so unbelieveably fantastic.
My weight loss plan when first starting raw, was always to get to a size 8 but I didn't really expect to get there to be quite honest. I was being hopeful that I would, but realistic that it probably wouldn't happen. Not that I'm generally negative, but of all the previous diets that I have undertaken, none of them got me under that 60kg mark.
Last Wednesday when I stood on those scales and saw the dial stop on 58kgs, I could have yelled at the top of my voice with excitement and probably would have if the family hadn't still been in bed sleeping.
I love the way the excess fat is dissappearing from my body and I am slowly looking slim. Knowing that I am doing it by eating healthy & raw, still blows me away a little when I consider where I was over two months ago.
I have gone from not really liking myself, being overweight, eating unhealthy fatty foods (Atkins Diet), no exercise, riddled with arthritic pain, on medication, feeling generally unwell, and exhausted most of the time to now feeling proud of my achievements, enjoying who I am, losing 10kgs and looking trimmer, eating raw healthy, nutritional food, exercising twice a day, arthritic pain easing, no longer taking drugs for my arthritis and feeling healthy within with no bloated feeling.
I can honestly say that I feel proud of myself for my achievements to date and when you feel this good, there is no turning back
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