Well today is the first day for starting proper food combining. After a lot of suggestions and recommendations etc., I have been told that I should be reading the 80/10/10 diet by Doug Graham, which is a book that explains food combining on a low-fat raw diet.
The 80/10/10 ratio relates to 80% Carbs, 10% Protein and 10% Fat for better health, digestion and well being.
So after doing research myself I came across a food combining chart on the net that explains what foods to eat with other foods etc.. for better digestion & health. I will follow this plan for a few weeks to see if I notice any change, before making any further committment by purchasing the 80/10/10 book. I have tried to buy it online a few times but am finding it difficult to outlay over $50 for a book, when I hardly ever read.
Everyone is telling me it is totally worth it, the best investment that I will ever make and I'll read it more than once, but that still doesn't help me fork out over $50, does it?
Anyway, we'll see how things go with this other method and then make a decision later about buying the book.
Go with 80/10/10. It cured me of colitis and gave me all kinds of energy.
Read about it here: http://www.raw-food-health.net/index.html
Before buying a book, look for free resources that allow you to gain information from others who have walked the path you're on now. I have found a lot of information, support and guidance on raw food living on RawPeople. They also have book reviews on raw foods... so you might wanna check them out first. http://www.rawpeople.com/?utm_source=A&utm_medium=B&utm_campaign=C
Thank Guys,
I am taking advantage of free resources at the moment, but have not totally given up on purchasing 80/10/10.
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