Well this is now Day 5 of my food combining 'experiment', I guess you'd call it.
Since the second day of this experiment, I have been going to the toilet, very regularly. Instead of the usual 3-4 times a day I was going, I am now going more like 7-10 times.
I've also been experiencing a lot of wind, a headache, lethargy and light-headiness, yet at the same time am feeling lighter and cleaner within (if that makes sense).
I know I am only going through the detoxing stage, so don't really mind. Once my body gets use to the change in the way I am eating, again, it will settle down. Boy what our bodies put up with!
I've really felt that the food I'm eating is digesting easier also, except for last night that is. I had a fruit salad last night and ate all the right combinations together, so the only thing I can put my cramps & pains down to is perhaps I combined too many fruits together. I'm sure I remember reading that food combining should be done with no more than three different types of food. I think I may have overdone it there, then. I know I felt really full and bloated after and probably did eat too much also.
This is all still very much a learning process for me and I imagine it will take some time for me to feel happy with what my body does and doesn't want.
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